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This child's vision is being DESTROYED...
Girl with glasses her EYE DOCTOR!

And the odds are that someone in YOUR family is a victim of this tragedy.

There are many frauds in the world, engineered by greedy, unscrupulous people. Getting shoddy goods, or losing one's money entirely is common. But what about a situation where you lose your money and your most precious gift, your vision, at the same time? And what if this is happening to defenseless children in every country of the world?

Over one third of our children, although born with normal vision, become nearsighted during their school years. Many have vision that has deteriorated to the point where they would be declared legally blind if they did not have the crutch of glasses to turn to. In some highly literate Asian countries, the incidence of acquired myopia has been increasing in recent years to the point where over 90% of college students are nearsighted! The eye doctors claim this is hereditary, even when there is no history of the problem in the family. But, of all our senses, why is it just our vision that so rapidly deteriorates at such an early age? What if one third of our children walked around with hearing aids or crutches? Would that be considered just "inherited"? The excessive amount of reading and other close work that we do in our modern society is the REAL cause of acquired myopia. And the glasses with minus power lenses that are normally prescribed by uncaring doctors make the vision get worse FAST!

Are you concerned about what your children view on the Internet? You should be more concerned about HOW they are viewing it. If they are wearing the glasses normally prescribed for myopia, they are becoming visual cripples. If you ignore the information on this site and fail to educate yourself, you are a partner with your eye doctor in creating a visually handicapped child.

On this website you can learn about and obtain the information and tools that you need to prevent myopia. But eye doctors and optical companies do not want you to know about these things that they fear and suppress. They do everything in their power to hide this knowledge from you. Now, thanks to the Internet, you are no longer at the mercy of your doctor's IGNORANCE and $ELF-INTEREST.


who make hundreds of millions of children into visual cripples because that's where the money is.

which uses its billions in profits to corrupt our government and schools of optometry and ophthalmology.

which create the uncaring monsters who are turned loose on a trusting and unsuspecting public. These schools accept a steady stream of money from the optical industry in the form of "research" grants and other contributions, thus insuring that they will do nothing to upset their benefactors. As only one example of how the optical industry uses its money to keep the optometric schools under its control, visit the official website of the Schools of Optometry at and click on Corporate Contributors. Note that even Wal-Mart, the world's biggest retailer, adds its contribution. The deans of these schools, as well as the schools of ophthalmology, may as well be on the payroll of the optical industry.

which is totally corrupted by the optical industry so that it funds worthless, misleading research and ignores worthwhile projects. Its twisted goal is to convince the public that myopia cannot be prevented.
Details at National Eye Institute

which rejected our petition to provide a warning to the public about the dangers of minus lenses and is also totally corrupted by the optical industry and doctors. On Sept. 11, 2006, we sent our critical reply to the FDA and informed them that we were putting the whole matter on our web site for the world to see. Within days, the FDA pressured Google to remove our site from their servers. After we protested to Google, they stood up to the FDA and put us back in their search index. Our government will resort to anything to protect industry profits!
Details at Food and Drug Administration

which uses your tax dollars for censorship and misinformation! People who look to our government as a source of good information often use the "Healthfinder" website of the National Health Information Center. The FDA recently forced them to drop our websites from their index because they don't like our criticism. Healthfinder also provides totally erroneous information about myopia in general, saying that it cannot be prevented.
See for yourself at Healthfinder

who spend their lives applying for research grants and producing worthless research results in order to further their careers. They have no interest in solving the myopia tragedy because then the research money would dry up. Although methods to prevent myopia are already known, they always claim, "More research is needed." Examples of this mindless research mania can be found on sites by Karla Zadnik at the Ohio State University College of Optometry and Christine Wildsoet at the University of California at Berkeley School of Optometry. Somehow it never occurs to these people to merely put a strong plus lens on children for all close work, to totally eliminate focusing effort. Every year, such people meet at an International Myopia Conference to present their totally irrelevant, self-glorifying research. Look at the nonsensical research topics covered at the 3-day International Myopia Conference in Singapore in August, 2006. While they play their games, the vision of the world's children continues to be destroyed.

such as Prevent Blindness America, American Optometric Assn., American Academy of Ophthalmology, Intl. Council of Ophthalmology, etc. They disseminate vision "information" to the public but are dominated by eye doctors and financed by the optical industry. They perpetuate the myth of inherited myopia and deny the dangers of minus lenses.

which never mention the subject of myopia prevention. Their only interest is pleasing their advertisers and making maximum profits. If they had any concern for the people of the world, they could expose and end this tragedy almost overnight.

The common link between these people is not science or compassion, but GREED. With such a formidable group telling the same lies to the public, where can anyone find the truth? On this website, of course, with over 60 pages of information you won't get from any eye doctor. For these groups to join forces to create hundreds of millions of crippled children is as despicable an act as most of us will encounter in our lifetimes. They are truly an "axis of evil." You don't believe this? You don't WANT to believe it? Read further and judge for yourself.

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