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Dr. Schnitzer's English books

Book Hypertension Causes and Cure - Risk Factor 1 Now Curable! Normalize your blood pressure, leave the cardiovascular risk zone and get rid of pills and their side effects within 6-10 weeks.

of this
The best investment you can do for your health and your life expectancy
to eliminate the Risk Factor 1 from your life
"Hypertension Causes & Cure - Risk Factor 1 Now Curable! "
128 pages, US$ 39.- per copy. Free delivery by airmail to all parts of the world.
What doctors aren't telling you (drawing 50 % of their total income from "incurably" hypertonic patients):
The knowledge described in this book enables you
1) to normalize your blood pressure, in most cases within 6-10 weeks;
2) to say "good bye" to the pills and their side-effects; and
3) to leave the cardiovascular risk zone for good.
Booklet Natural Cure of Obesity by Health: How to normalize your weight without going hungry.

of this

The natural way to normalize your and your children's weight by re-establishing natural health
"Natural Cure of Obesity by Health"
52 pages, US$ 19.- per copy, free delivery to all parts of the world
Overweight and obesity have become a main problem of the modern society, not only for adults, but already for youngsters, kids and babies! This book unveils the secrets of the appetite as a natural control of
the body's supply with vital substances: The appetite works like a gold-miner! The poorer the food in vital substances, the more (weight-increasing) "empty calories" are requested to satisfy the appetite. A natural, man-appropriate nutrition allows to eat until satisfied, and to normalize the body's weight at the same time. The book contains nutritional advices and recipes, and also recipes for a healthy natural baby nutrition (because the overweight problem starts with denaturated industrial baby food).

Book Diabetes Causes and Cure, including Cure of Later Diabetes Consequences. Self-help for diabetics. How to cure diabetes, not only "to treat it and to live with the disease for lifetime". Most of it you can do yourself!

of this

New English edition 2001/2002
Diabetes Causes & Cure - including cure of later diabetes consequences
210 pages, US$ 59.- per copy, free delivery by airmail to all parts of the world
This book offers a fundamental alternative to the usual, life-long, only symptomatic substitution treatment of diabetes: A real chance to overcome the diabetic condition, to cure and prevent diabetes and its later consequences, and to re-conquer one's natural health! The secret is: To know and to remove the true causes (including the usual high-protein diet, that makes the disease incurable and causes the so called "later consequences" of diabetes); and to know and to restore the natural preconditions of health.


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